NSJH Foreign Language Department
List of Internet addresses for Spanish practice


You will be able to play more games and have fun preparing for class participation, quizzes and tests! J

Here are other sites that will be very useful:

For VERB FORMS, try http://tradu.scig.uniovi.es/conjuga.html Type the verb in the box, then press the button "Conjugar". To erase, press "Borrar."
For VOCABULARY, try www.studyspanish.com/vocab/index.htm
For CULTURAL INFORMATION, try www.studyspanish.com/culture.htm
For the official PASO A PASO site, try http://www.phschool.com This general site is good in case you get stuck trying to get to the specific links listed below for each chapter.

Mrs. Bodily has a class page that you can access. It will be updated periodically.

For Spanish grade 9, click here: http://www.quia.com/pages/spanish9bo.html

Mrs. Breindel has a class page that you can access. It will be updated periodically.

For Spanish grade 9, click here: http://www.quia.com/pages/spanish9br.html

To access the appropriate set of games/flashcards, go to the chapter, then the section and click!

Chapter 1: ¿Cómo es tu escuela? Let’s get ready to go! Vocabulary about school, classes, and subjects you like most and least.

Section 1: Different classes and items in the classroom. This is REALLY easy!:

Section 2: More items and activities in the school at large. This is where you learn to describe the rest of the school and how to interact with the rest of the school personnel

Whole Unit 1 Game: Play it to review all of the concepts included in this unit! It will be even more fun with a partner!

Tips for Note Writing

Sample writing task: Write a 60 word note to your pen pal about in which you describe your school and your schedule.

1. Describe your school.
2. Describe 3 classes you are taking (names).
3. Describe some things you have to do in each class.
4. Describe some materials you need to have for those classes and why (What are you going to use them for, in those classes?).
5. Compare your school with other schools: In size, in quality

Before you go all out to write your 60 word note, take a minute to plan! Here are the steps:

1. Write 5 words each on who, how, what, when, where, why, and some verbs.

Who: yo, mi hermana, mi profesora, la directora, la consejera
How: muy grande, más grande que, el/la más grande de todos/todas
What: la literatura, las matemáticas, las ciencias, la biología, el sujetapapeles
When: hoy, la primera hora, el mediodía, por la tarde, antes de la escuela, a las diez
Where: la clase de español, la cafetería, la oficina, la enfermería, el gimnasio
Why: para estudiar, para escribir, para dibujar, para hacer ejercicios, para contestar las preguntas, porque me gusta(n)
Verbs: estudiar, preguntar, contestar, sacar una buena/mala nota, tener, traer, conocer
Other useful words related to school:computadora, sujetapapeles, informe, etc.

2. Now you put it all together, one sentence at a time: Mi escuela es muy grande. You get the idea. Do about 10 sentences, and you will have a great composition! Give it a try!

Hmmmm.... Are those verbs giving you indigestion? What about trying this?
To get to the verb tener, go down a little to the window that lets you choose the kind of verb you need. Choose the set "Present tense, irregular verbs". From there you can pick some of the verbs you need. Try also the list of regular verbs. If you poke around, you should find the verbs you need.

For testing how well you understand words in context, and to review for the unit 1 exam, check this: http://www.phschool.com/atschool/paso/Paso2/Student_Area/Paso2_SC1_ST_index.html

This site also has a section that says "Internet Activities" with games and puzzles. Check them out!

Chapter 2: ¿Qué haces todos los días? This chapter teaches you how to describe your daily routine. It includes words that help you talk about extracurricular activities (Things you do after school).

Section 1: Your daily routine: waking up, getting up, getting ready for school, etc.. Click here!:

Section 2: After school activities. This is where you learn to describe school activities and words related to this topic

How well do you remember your daily routine? If you get the verb sequence right, you'll see a pretty picture!

Here's a pop-up to help you with the quiz on reflexive verbs! Highly recommended!

For reviewing the present tense of reflexive verbs like levantarse, and verbs that change in the middle of the word, like acostarse, despertarse and vestirse, click here and look for the appropriate section:

For testing how well you understand words in context, and to review for the unit 2 exam, check this. http://www.phschool.com/atschool/paso/Paso2/Student_Area/Paso2_SC2_ST_index.html

This site also has a section that says "Internet Activities" with games and puzzles. Check them out!

Check this out! This is a challenge board to play with a partner! See if you can beat them at this fun activity! Super review for the unit test!

Chapter 3: ¿Qué ropa está de moda? Names of clothes, materials, words that describe clothing, and how to pay for them.

Section 1: Names of clothes and fabrics. Click here!:

Section 2: How do your clothes fit you? How are you paying for them? Some games and cards here!

PowerPoint presentation items are here. You may use any of these pictures for your cover slide, then go to the sites listed to get additional items/accessories. Remember 7 slides with appropriate descriptions! This assignment is worth an exam grade. Click here: sp2_ch3_pppres.htm

Review of regular verbs in the past (pretérito). See how good you are at this with this pop-up game!

An all out and easy review for Chapter 3 test. Grab a partner and start!:

Here's a pop-up game to help you with here, there and way over there: http://www.quia.com/pop/10658.html

For reviewing the past (preterit) tense of verbs like comprar, comer and vivir, click here and look for the appropriate section: You can also look up demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, this, that, these, those

For testing how well you understand words in context, and to review for the unit exam in chapter 3, check this:

This site also has a section that says "Internet Activities" with games and puzzles. Check them out!

Going on vacation overseas? To find out what the US dollar is worth in other countries, and how much the money from other countries is worth in dollars, there is an interesting currency exchange site here: http://www.oanda.com/converter/classic

Chapter 4

If you want to know what gear you need to ask for to ski in the Andes, click here:
Section 1 http://www.quia.com/custom/22805main.html

More on the fun part of school:
Section 2 http://www.quia.com/custom/7269main.html

Review game for this unit:

To access the reading on what to do in Denver in winter, click here:

An interesting link to the art of José Guadalupe Posada, the man who designed "La Calavera Catrina" (Click on the bar that says "Posada"); also, several links to El Día de los Muertos: http://daphne.palomar.edu/muertos/default.htm

¿Te gustan los crucigramas? Aquí tienes dos sitios excelentes:http://www.acanomas.com.ar/crossw/cruci.htm

y "Claringrilla" en: http://ar.clarin.com

Chapter 5

Well mannered or brat? Teddy, toys and other childhood favorites are here:
Section 1

The fun things you used to do as a child:
Section 2 http://www.quia.com/custom/44306main.html

Review game for unit 5:


Chapter 6

Check this out! How to report the latest party gossip:
Section 1http://www.quia.com/custom/43187main.html

Party, party, party... New Year's Eve, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, and more!
Section 2http://www.quia.com/custom/44297main.html

Here is a challenge board to wrap up the unit! http://www.quia.com/cb/6291.html

The Mother of all Tomato Festivals in Buñol, Spain! http://www.cyberspain.com/life/tomatina.htm

UNIT 6 EXAM. ASK TEACHER FOR PASSWORD http://www.quia.com/session.html

Cool Latin Midis:http://midistudio.com/midi/LA_AZ.htm

¿Te gustan los crucigramas? Aquí tienes dos sitios excelentes:http://www.acanomas.com.ar/crossw/cruci.htm

y "Claringrilla" en: http://ar.clarin.com

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This page was designed by Mrs. Alicia Bodily, Spanish teacher, NSJH

Some games were created by Mrs. Bodily and Mrs. Breindel, Spanish teachers, NSJH
Background image by John D. Coryat http://www.coryat.com/texture.htm